Low self-control in non-heterosexual men as a predictor of sexual aggression behaviors against women
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Low Morality
Low Self-Control
Impersonal Sex
Hostile Sexism
Sexual Agression
Non-Heterosexual Men
Situational Action Theory

How to Cite

Pérez-Fernández, F., Janosch, H., & Popiuc, M. (2023). Low self-control in non-heterosexual men as a predictor of sexual aggression behaviors against women. Behavior & Law Journal, 9(1). https://doi.org/10.47442/blj.2023.100


The aim is to study the possible correlates of sexual assault behaviors against women committed by non-heterosexual men. To do this, we worked with a sample of 233 non-heterosexual men between 18 and 27 years old who responded to an online survey, made with scales measuring low self-control, low personal morality, hostile sexism, impersonal sex, sexual aggression behaviors, and other demographic data. An attempt was made to develop models through binary logistic regression. It was found that low self-control turned out to be a predictor of the sexual aggression behaviors admitted by the sample considered, which allows us to conclude that, regardless of the sexual orientation of the aggressor, the deficit in the capacity for self-control can explain the behavior of sexual aggression against the woman.

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